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Emtelle’s new coils ensure customers faster and more accurate deliveries

Ensures customers faster and more accurate deliveries.

Balzanelli is the market’s leading wrapper with flexibility down to the last meter

Customers can now enjoy faster and more flexible deliveries from Emtelle, which has put its new coil from Balzanelli into operation:

– This reel is state of the art with a technology where we can now roll ‘steplessly’ to the desired length, says Kenn Byllemoes. – At the same time, the extruder is no longer driven inline. Now, instead, large drums are produced, which we then batch down.

– And where we have previously had batch lengths in jumps of, for example, 50 meters and 100 meters, the new flexible coiler can deliver lengths that are accurate down to the last meter. So the customer, for example, can get 79 meters, 179 meters or whatever is now to be used for the task.

The programming means that we can put in a ‘menu’ in advance, and then the reel runs. It has a magazine for 4 rolls, and there is no need for an employee to operate it all the time.

Max. output according to customers’ wishes

Compared to the previous process, production can now be increased. Because when a coiler works inline after the extruder, it puts a limit on the speed. And if there are problems with the coiler, the whole line will go down.

– Because we can now produce up to large drum – maybe several kilometers – the extruder can run with maximum output. It provides a more economical operation, and at the same time we avoid stops. Because there are no legs in a reel, says Kenn Byllemos.

– With the new Balzanelli, we can offer customers something that gives them advantages in both their work and logistics. They get exactly down to the last meter what they want. And even though there is now one more workflow for Emtelle, we can still maintain a significantly higher output. A clear win-win.

The market requires fast and flexible delivery

The flexibility offers great advantages in delivery times, so that customers experience that it is now possible to move faster:

– Call a customer with an urgent need: “I need 3 150 meter rolls tomorrow!” – can we say yes to the order because we have unspecified rolls in stock. Previously, such an order had to be planned in, the production line had to be changed – and then we ran the 3 rolls, Kenn Byllemos explains.

– Balzanelli is the best wrapper on the market, and it is Emtelle’s brand to be at the forefront. We must have a flexible production so that we can meet the needs of the customers, emphasizes sales director Laila Nygaard Pedersen. – Especially in the situations where they have to use it now!

– We could not always live up to this before, where the customer either could not get the delivery so quickly, or where the price would be too high. Now we are ready with new solutions that close the customer’s gap ‘. Emtelle bridges a bridge where there are holes in the market.

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